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Working group on the history
of cartography

Main page

Welcome to the Swiss Working group on the history of cartography. The Working group is a section of the Swiss Society of Cartography (SGK) and co-founder of the mutual working group of the German-speaking historians of cartography (D-A-CH).

The Working group does not have formal terms of reference, but becomes active whenever old maps or the history of cartography are involved or brought up in any way. Informal meetings (open for guests as well) are held occasionally. For information regarding its current and past meetings or for the spoken word please refer to the German version of this page.

Chairman of the Working group is Dr. phil. Dipl.-Ing. ETH Martin Rickenbacher, Berne. He is also the national representative for Switzerland to Imago Mundi in London.

Members of the Working group serve as editors of the journal for the history of cartography Cartographica Helvetica. The first issue of Cartographica Helvetica was published in January 1990. The well-researched texts and the excellent color reproductions led to international acclaim after only a short period of time, and the journal can proudly look back on its successful activities.

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