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Cartographica Helvetica


Martin Rickenbacher:

French mappings of Swiss territory between 1760 and 1815

Cartographica Helvetica 41 (2010) 3–17


This article discusses the mapping of parts of today's Swiss territory by French surveyors between 1760 and approx. 1815. The beginning is marked by the Carte de France (also known as the "Cassini Map"), which includes the western margin of Switzerland, followed by the Carte géométrique de la frontière by General d'Arçon between 1777 and 1786. This development reached its peak after 1803 with the works by the "Bureau topographique de l'Helvétie" under Napoleon I. with respect to its political significance as well as its cartographic quality. At the same time, first signs of a modern national survey in Switzerland were emerging.

This report is based on research carried out in France between November 2004 and November 2006 at the Département de l'armée de terre of the Service historique de la défense (SHD-DAT) in the castle of Vincennes and at the Institut géographique national (IGN) in St-Mandé, and presents material which has up to now only been partially known.

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