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Imre Josef Demhardt:

Paul Langhans and the Deutsche Kolonial-Atlas 1893–1897

Cartographica Helvetica 40 (2009) 17–30


The Deutsche Kolonial-Atlas, published in consignments by Justus Perthes from 1893 to 1897, is an opus with 30 major and 300 additional maps as well as a meticulous list of map sources, thereby constituting cartographer and editor Paul Langhans' half-century career in Gotha. The aim of the atlas was – according to the foreword – a comprehensive "representation of the German protectorates, the German settlements abroad, the spread of the Germans and their intellectual and material culture on the entire globe." At the same time the Deutsche Kolonial-Atlas represents a last pinnacle of overseas cartography by the Perthes editing house in the 19th century.

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